In order for the teeth to have an aesthetic appearance, the gums must be healthy enough. The color considered healthy for the gums is pink. Purple, black, blue, white and red gums are considered unhealthy. The reason for the emergence of different colors may be due to a natural process such as the skin color of the person and no intervention may be required.
Causes of Gingival Pigmentation
Gum discoloration can be caused by skin color differences between races. E.g; People with black skin color usually also have dark gums. The main reason for this is the darkening of the tissues due to the excess of melanin pigment. Various diseases, some drugs used; can lead to dark gingival tissue formation.
Among the many harms caused by smoking to the human body, there is also gum discoloration. Nicotine and various chemicals in the content of cigarettes cause a dark color to appear on both teeth and gums through the residues they leave. If smoking continues, it is not possible to obtain the desired result from the treatments aimed at removing the discoloration. For this reason, you should give up the habit of smoking for healthy gums. Spontaneous improvement in gum color may occur after quitting smoking.
Gum Diseases
Plaque, inflammation and various infections can cause color changes on the gingival surface. The cause of dark red gingiva is usually plaques. At the same time, hard brushing and improper use of dental floss can also cause the appearance of red gums. A reddish-purple color appears in the areas where the gums are inflamed. After gingival treatments are applied, the gingival color turns into a healthy pink color.
Methods Used in the Treatment of Gingival Depigmentation
Before starting a treatment for gingival depigmentation, the underlying cause should be eliminated. E.g; If the cause of the discoloration is inflammation, necessary gingival treatments are performed to eliminate this inflammation. These treatments can be in the form of calculus removal, root planning(curettage) or surgical intervention in advanced cases, depending on the case. If there is no need for such interventions, the darkness is removed by gingival depigmentation (peeling).
Gum Peeling
Gum peeling is a process that removes the layers that cause dark color. It can be treated with laser as well as with traditional surgical methods. The layers of tissue that cause darkness are removed, resulting in a lighter, pinker texture. The procedure, which is usually performed under local anesthesia, is completed in a single session or in 2-3 sessions, depending on the degree of bruising. After the procedure, the healing process is completed in 1 week and pain is almost nonexistent.
Gum Whitening
Gum discoloration may not always be in the form of darkening. In some cases, discoloration that appears as whitening may also occur. This condition, also known as gingival whitening, may be caused by different diseases, vitamin deficiencies and hormonal problems. For this reason, a treatment is applied to eliminate the causes that cause whitening.
Diseases Causing Gum Whitening
If you are experiencing gingival whitening problems, it would be beneficial to see a dentist without wasting time. These whites can also follow a painful course depending on the underlying cause. Anemia is one of the causes of gingival whitening. Due to this disease, which is also known as anemia among the people, there is not enough blood cells in the body. For this reason, the gums of anemia patients may be whiter. In such cases, both a medical and a dental examination should be performed. Your dentist recommends that you see a medical doctor during a detailed oral examination, unless he/she encounters a problem that falls within his/her field of expertise. Thus, the cause of gingival whitening is clearly understood.
Another cause of whiteness can be a gum disease called leukoplakia. This disease; It is caused by smoking, alcohol use or not paying attention to oral hygiene. Whitening due to leukoplakia should be monitored by your dentist and in some cases cleaned. In leukoplakia patients, biopsy is also performed if the physician deems it necessary.