Gum diseases occur as a result of problems in the tissues surrounding your teeth. Taking care of your oral hygiene doesn’t just protect your teeth. It also helps keep the gums healthy. While not maintaining oral hygiene is one of the leading causes of diseases, smoking and alcohol consumption, systemic diseases, medications used and incorrect tooth brushing can also cause gum diseases.
The insidious progression of many gingival problems can eliminate the chance of early intervention. This causes the disease to progress, resulting in bone loss, gingival recession or tooth loss. It is possible to diagnose at an early stage with regular dental check-ups. Thus, the necessary treatment for the disease can be started by a specialist physician without wasting time.

Oral hijyen eksikliğine bağlı pyojenik granulom

(kullanılan ilaçlara bağlı dişeti hastalıkları)

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(Dişeti Çekilmesi)
Dental Calculus
Tartars are structures that occur as a result of not paying attention to oral hygiene. Bacteria in the mouth form plaques when they meet with food residues. When plaques are not cleaned on time, they turn into an even harder structure and become tartar. When viewed from the outside, calculus, which manifests itself as dark spots on the tooth and on the gingival starting line, disrupts all aesthetics and creates a bad appearance. You can get rid of this problem permanently by having a dental tartar removal procedure without wasting time and by following the advice given by your doctor. If you do not get the tartar cleaning done on time, inflammation and gum diseases will occur in the areas where tartar formation is seen.
Gingival Recession (Periodontitis)
Periodontitis; It is a type of infection that results in tooth, gum and bone loss. The first step to periodontitis is plaques. Uncleaned plaque, tartar; Uncleaned tartar causes inflammation in the gums and the bone around the teeth. When bacteria, food residues and plaque come together, pockets form in the gingival groove. Since new remains are added to the existing remains in these pockets, the stones of the path to periodontitis are actually laid by the patient.
Symptoms of Gum Diseases
Gingival problems, which did not give many symptoms before, seriously disturb you during the periodontitis stage. Teeth that have a yellow and stained appearance due to stones and plaques are accompanied by bruising, reddening and bleeding when brushing or consuming hard foods with periodontitis. At the same time, with the swelling formed, not only in terms of aesthetics, but also the formation of bad taste-odor in your mouth; You may also be uncomfortable with the situation you are experiencing due to tingling-sensitivity in the teeth. Problems such as bleeding, pain, sensitivity and tooth shaking that come with gingival disorders; It negatively affects your daily life. What needs to be done is to apply to a specialist physician and start treatment as soon as possible.
Treatment of Gum Diseases
Depending on the extent of the progression of the disease, it is decided which treatment will be applied to you. Curettage (root planning) should be applied if the infection is in the initial stage and has not reached the periodontitis stage. Although curettage is a cleaning process, it is different from routine calculus cleaning because it goes to deeper points.
If bone loss has occurred as a result of gingival diseases, bone formation can be achieved through artificial grafts (bone powder). Grafts are obtained from different materials. Another procedure performed is flap surgery. During this process to close the gingival pockets filled with bacteria and plaque, all bacteria and residues are cleaned. At the same time, with the opening of the root part, the tooth root surfaces are flattened during flap surgery.
Maximum attention should be paid to oral hygiene in order to prevent recurrence of gingival diseases and for the treatment to be successful. Teeth brushed twice a day should be cleaned both times with dental floss or interface brushes. Continuous use of mouthwash also kills beneficial bacteria in the mouth, and as a result, opportunistic infections such as fungus may occur. Mouthwashes should not be used continuously, but should be used when necessary in accordance with the doctor’s advice.
You can also apply to DentaVina Dental Clinic for timely diagnosis and treatment of gum diseases.